Data Collection

After registering your practice / facility, provide information about:

  • The provision of dispensers
  • Hand disinfectant consumption
  • Completed training sessions

Data on the implementation of hand hygiene and its availability in the form of hand disinfectant dispensers makes possible the concrete determination of current conditions and an assessment of the development over time.

The consumption of hand disinfectant can be documented in Aktion Saubere Hände’s HAND-KISS module. Another way to determine the hand hygiene compliance of medical staff is direct monitoring. This data can also be documented in HAND-KISS.

An essential precondition of good hand hygiene compliance is the availability of hand disinfectant. Aktion Saubere Hände had established specific requirements for this. The availability of hand disinfectant dispensers can be systematically documented on a standard form.

If you have not entered data on hand disinfectant consumption and on completed training sessions by December 31 of the following year, you will be removed from the list of participating facilities.

Documenting Dispenser Availability

Dispenser availability of your practice can be determined using the Data Collection Form

Dispensers in surgical theaters, rest rooms, on counters and in waiting rooms are not included when collecting data.

Home Health Care: The collection of figures for dispensers is not possible in home health care. In the online form it is only possible to document whether you provide your staff with hand disinfectant.

Determining the Current Number:

  • Data is to be collected only on dispensers located in consultation and treatment rooms or in treatment locations
  • Wall-mounted dispensers, portable pump bottles and individual bottles are all to be considered dispensers

Determining the Target Number:

  • Treatment room = 1 dispenser per consultation or treatment location
  • Dialysis area = 1 dispenser per dialysis station
  • Treatment location (e.g. ambulance) = 1 dispenser per treatment location
Documenting Hand Disinfectant Consumption

The annual retrospective determination of hand disinfectant consumption is made in webKess.
You need the amount of disinfectant in liters purchased the previous year and the number of cases of treatment / actions for the year.


Definition: Treatment Case:

Practicing Doctors:

Uniform Assessment Standard, statutory health insurance

A treatment case is defined, according to § 21 Abs. 1 BMV-Ä bzw. § 25 Abs. 1 EKV, as the treatment of the one and the same insured person by one and the same medical practice in a quarter of a calendar year at the expense of one and the same the same health insurance company. Source: Abschnitt 3.1 in KBV: EBM 2013

Schedule of Fees for Physicians, Private Schedule of Fees:

According to Point 1 of the general terms, basic services and general services are so defined: “A treatment case is the treatment of one and the same illness over the period of one month after the first visit to the physician.” Source: Gebührenordnung für Ärzte-GOÄ

Emergency Services / Ambulances:

The number of actions or transports are entered here.

Outpatient Dialysis Clinics

The number of completed dialysis treatments are entered here.

Outpatient Nursing Care

The number of actions is entered here. An action is one treated person per day.

Direct Determination of Hand Disinfection Compliance by Monitoring

Direct monitoring of staff during their daily work is the most precise way of determining hand hygiene behavior (compliance). Monitoring gives a clear picture of the current situation and provides an opportunity for analyzing behavior and recognizing common mistakes. Conclusions can be drawn from the results, for example, on how well information from training sessions has been implemented in practice or where there may be gaps in knowledge. In this way, the appropriate intervention for the improvement of hand hygiene behavior can be determined.

Complete Information on Compliance Monitoring

For further information, click here for Hospitals / Measurement Methods
