Data Collection
Data on the implementation of hand hygiene and the availability of disinfectant dispensers make possible a concrete determination of the current status of hand hygiene measures and an evaluation of their development over time.
In the Aktion Saubere Hände module HAND-KISS consumption of hand disinfectant can be documented. Direct monitoring is an additional option that makes it possible to determine levels of hand hygiene compliance by medical personnel. The data thus collected can also be documented in HAND-KISS.
An essential precondition for good hand hygiene compliance is the availability of hand disinfectant. Aktion Saubere Hände has defined specific requirements for this. The provision of hand disinfectant dispensers can be systematically documented using a form.
A survey of the consumption of hand disinfectant serves as a surrogate parameter for hand disinfection compliance in a medical facility.
Basic information on the HAND-KISS module can be found on the Nationalen Referenzzentrums für Surveillance nosokomialer Infektionen.
HAND-KISS data provides an overview of the hand disinfectant consumption of individual stations and other areas of your facility. Measuring hand disinfectant consumption and comparing your data with reference data makes it possible for you to assess hand hygiene behavior in your facility.
The results should be utilized in staff training sessions.
HAND-KISS data is also very well suited for progress assessment over longer periods of time, since changes in hand hygiene behavior are reflected in changes in disinfectant consumption.
To participate in HAND-KISS you will need:
- Hand disinfectant consumption per station / operative area / facility per year in millimeters.
- the number of patient days / treated cases per year
All hospitals participating in Aktion Saubere Hände are required to survey hand disinfectant consumption.
Detailed information concerning registration and data input can be found on our web site HAND-KISS.
Direct monitoring of medical personnel during their work with patients is a helpful measure. It is the most precise means of determining hand hygiene behavior and compliance. Monitoring provides a direct picture of your current state of hand hygiene and is an opportunity for analyzing behavior. Conclusions can be drawn from the results regarding, for example, to what degree knowledge from training sessions has been implemented or where gaps in knowledge may be or where mistakes are being made. In this way, the appropriate intervention to improve hand hygiene can be planned in a way that is well-targeted and needs-oriented.
Additional information:
Monitoring Compliance
Hospitals and Rehabilitation Clinics WITH Early Rehabilitation
Since direct availability of hand disinfectant is an essential starting point for improving hand hygiene compliance, hospitals and rehabilitation clinics with early rehabilitation have committed themselves to determining how well equipped with hand disinfectant dispensers their facilities are and, if necessary, to making improvements.
On the form is documented:
- the target number of dispensers necessary
- the actual number of dispensers currently present
Calculating the Current Number:
- only dispensers in patient rooms or treatment rooms are recorded
- wall-mounted dispensers, portable pump bottles and individual bottles are all to be considered dispensers
Calculating the Target Number:
- intensive care unit, IMC (intermediate care) and dialysis areas = The number of dispensers is equal to the number of patient beds
- normal wards = 1 dispenser for every 2 patient beds
- treatment rooms = 1 dispenser per treatment room
Click this link for Dispenser Availability Form an.
Rehabilitation Clinics WITHOUT Early Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation clinics without early rehabilitation should fill out a different form on the provision of hand disinfectant dispensers.
Click on this link for the Form for Hand Disinfectant Dispenser Availability in Rehabilitation Clinics without Early Rehab.